• Dubai, UAE

  • 2018

  • Private Client

  • Completed

  • 20312 sq. ft

This contemporary cubic design bears a very unique semblance. It has a clean cut approach to it’s facade. Maintaining a sense of solidarity, the exterior skin of the structure consists of only one material: Grey Travertine. It is very durable against heat which is great protection against Middle Eastern summers.

It definitely makes a statement amongst its neighbors. The concept was to create complete privacy from the outside looking in, but at the same time sustaining the most out of the natural sunlight throughout the day. An illusion within itself.

It may give the impression of dark interior spaces, but don’t be deceived by its shell. Its floor plan is a hierarchy of spaces, pushing and pulling against one another, allowing natural light to penetrate it in all angles.

It bears a beautiful sunken courtyard at its core. And voids that pierce the floors, whether you’re looking down from above or up from below. Any place you stand within the structure has a specific vantage point.